A group of Andromedans visited a University of Mexico professor of physics and atomic energy, Professor Hernandez (not his real name), in the 1970s and early 1980s. He was given highly technical information on a method to manufacture a shield around any jet plane, which would then allow pilot and passengers to fly to Mars—or whatever planet or star they wanted to reach—in comfort and safety. But because of where and how the professor lived, the times and other factors, he was not able to use this incredible information. After many visits from the ETs and an expansion in consciousness, he was committed to a mental institution. Shortly after he was released, he was last seen sitting in a park near his home in his walking shorts reading a newspaper. He never returned to his home that day—he disappeared forever. His journals were taken and the information from the Andromedans was never made public.
Before he was forced to enter the mental institution, the professor had talked to a UFO researcher in Mexico, Ms. Zitha Rodriguez, and she had written down what he said in shorthand. Unfortunately, when she came to transcribe her notes, she did not understand the scientific words and so was unable to re-create exactly what the professor had told her. Nevertheless, she published what she had. Then Wendelle Stevens transliterated the Spanish of Ms. Rodriguez's book into English and published it in his UFO Contact series to make the information available to the public.
Now, speaking through super-channel Robert Shapiro, the Andromedans who contacted the professor tell us what really happened. They give instructions for the shielding technology so that scientists who have the background can use it. They also clear up all the questions one would have after reading the Spanish or English book and supply a lively account of their lives and other adventures they had when they came to Earth. Each crew member of the spaceship speaks: Leia, the scientific liason, the two scientists—and then, as an extra treat, Leia's daughter and her playmate contribute to the story.
Softcover, 459 pgs.
ISBN: 978-1-897824-35-1
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Part 19 out of 10 — 2012, December 21, 2004
By: Gus from Netherlands
Get rid of your 2012 fear; we have a long way to go!
9 out of 10 - VERY INFORMATIVE!, October 29, 2008
By: Androm from U.S.
This book is for those who are curious and interested in our galactic neighbors. What Andromeda's part is in it, and how the universe works. All books by this Robert Shapiro will excite and inform the truth you seek.