Robert Shapiro brings us wisdom and guidance from our fellow creatures across the globe in this compendium of unexpected insights and perspectives.
Each animal brings a wondrous gift to share with humanity — enjoy it!
Chapters include: Eel, Tortoise, Frog, Skunk, Snail, Deer, Elephant, Rabbit, Polar Bear, Earthworm, Phoenix, Chickadee, Koala Bear, Spider, Cat, Dog, Whale, Shark, and many others, including important messages from Grandfather and Creator's Emissary
Softcover, 640pgs.
ISBN: 978-1-891824-50-0
Download the full table of contents (PDF)
10 out of 10 — Animal souls speak, November 2, 2008
By Caroline Connor (Florida, USA)
Animals from different plants speak about their lives and how they got here and what their work is on this earth. Any and all books written by Robert Shapiro, I highly recommend.
10 out of 10 — Truely heart touching book about Direct Guidance , Insights and knowledge from Animal species Kingdom, July 27, 2008
By Prashant Kulkarni (Bangalore, India)
This is book 13th of the explorer race series, each book has its own theme and purpose. There are many animals which are channeled by author in this book like earthworm, rabbit, elephant spider, dog, cat, tortoise deer, butterfly, shark, Girraffe, Butterfly, Snail etc (Check the book content below). This book is special as it is written by animals souls channeled by authoer and the author has asked good and wide range of questions to them. There are beautiful photographs of the animals at start and end of the chapter so one is able to connect more to these animals while reading their wisdom.
Each Animal species which are extraterrestrial (ET) will tell about their home planet from which they have come to earth (which is different for each animal), their family, culture, their preferences, environment on their home planet, how they get education, various visitors who visited their home planets, what is their purpose of coming to earth and who invited them to the earth, their journey from home planet to earth, they also talk about creator and earlier memory of their universe from which they have come. So this books gives wonderful insights about ET life in different universes. They share their experiences on earth apart from their home planet.
We are so fortunate to get exposed to million of animal species on this earth who are extraterrestrials itself. Actually people are passionate about meeting and knowing different things about ET but we ignore sometimes that these wonderful ET animal species is in our neighborhood only and they can tell us a lot if we are able to communicate with them.
40-50% of the book is about the narrating many of the wisdom/insights/guidance/suggestions which animals species have for human race and in general regarding earth. The knowledge provided is so much useful and informative and new.For example their is guidance about how to relax, how to get connected to ones own heart, how to utilize dreams, bringing up young ones children, appreciating beauty, communication skills with life itself,how to utilize different energies and capabilities of being human....
From the book one understands that animals supports various ways to humanity and earth, like shark helps who have core desire to leave this planet, spider has enormous multiple way of thinking and intelligence which support solutions to problems, ants and earthworms helps in purifying and renewing the soil of the earth, Whale prepares the water so it becomes suitable for many species in water,polar bear acts as a healer, Kola bear brings peace and balance though their sounds, the frog welcomes and brings rain....etc
After reading the book it causes the change in heart and one become much more compassionate towards smallest insect to the big animals like elephant. I am sure the message in book from animals itself will cause reduction in eating of all types of animal meat/fish/pork/chicken and hunting... & help their conservation and increase the bonding between human and animals.
I am fortunate enough to write review of the book about the author whom i communicated few times on email and read some time his blogs he has got goodness, love and compassion and true gentleman in his heart. He is the author of several explorer series books which explores various universes, creation and gives glimpse of infinity. It is sad to know that these beautiful Varity of plants and animals who support human race so much is extinguishing fast from the planet day by day.
I am sure people people will enjoy this book and even though the book is near 600 pages,it leaves wanting to have more species to get channeled in the book may be in another volume II. Finally I am putting the chapter titles and topics which will give much more information and knowledge which is covered in the book than I can write in my review. The Table of contents put below, itself is the biggest review of the book. The right hand side shows the page number of the book.