The thirteen core members of the Council of Creators discuss their adventures in coming to awareness of themselves and their journeys on the way to the Council on this level. They discuss the advice and oversight they offer to all creators, including the creator of this local universe. These beings are wise, witty and joyous, and their stories of Love's Creation expands our concepts as we realize life in an expanded, multiple-level reality.
Softcover, 273 pgs.
ISBN: 978-1-891824-13-5
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10 out of 10 — Ultimate book of Various creators & its council, January 16, 2008
By: Prashant Kulkarni from Bangalore , India
This book is one of the best channeling book when it comes to spiritual cosmology and metaphysics. Most of the channeling books discusses with various beings, departed people, angels, spirits ,ET, ascended masters within this creation and rarely touch the lot of other creators and creations . But in this book super channel Robert goes much much beyond the normal channeling books and channels directly the creators who are above our own creator and the council which guides and advices and assisted our creator regarding the creation of this Universe. After reading this book one knows the creator(s)(God) has no end and it goes far above expanding bigger and bigger creations. There are trillions of creator and creations and much much unknown. compared to Infinity our own universe is extremely small and tiny. The journey of us (humanity) doesn't end with in this creator but it is meant for exploring various creations of billions and trillions of all creators and creations. This book gives lot of hope that our true nature is infinite and we are (our future) not limited to just our creator (like enlightenment and merging with this creator only.. which is just very small part) but goes on and beyond.... touching infinity.
This books also discusses the role of humanity (explorer race) in expanding this creation and once this experiment is over many creation will expand many times due to various insights, learning generated throughout human history. Check below the contents and chapters titles. Generally one chapter is devoted for one creator and the Author (Robert) ask various questions to this creator and channeled answer is written down. Check also another beautiful book "Explorer Race, Creator and Friends" by Robert shapiro which also discusses friends of our creators and beyond our creator.
A must buy especially for those who want to expand their knowledge frontiers to byond limits.